Gutter Guard Installation in Affton, MO

My next door neighbor saw me installing gutter guards on my house one day and asked me to take a look at her own. She had recently had some water issues in her basement during the historic summer rainfall in 2022 and wanted to remedy the situation. She had already scheduled to have a sump pump put in but wanted a professional opinion on the status of her gutters. When she had bought her house they already had the "gutter helmet" style gutter guards installed. She noticed during heavy rain falls that the rain water would ramp right off of her gutter guards and pool up around her foundation. When I inspected the guards, I could tell they had never been cleaned before.
The biggest misconception that gutter guard installation companies push is that their guards are "maintenance free." The truth is that there is no such thing as a maintenance free gutter guard on the market. The biggest issue with the "gutter helmet" style of gutter guards is that they rely on surface tension to direct the water into the gutter. The major problem with this design is that when the gutter guard is dirty, it disrupts the water from rolling into the gutter, thus leaving you with a giant ramp for the rain to shoot off of your roof. Companies that install this style of guard will always pitch that it is a never clog system, but fail to offer any guarantees that the water will be properly directed into the gutter. Another problem with this style guard is that they make perfect homes for birds to create nests.
Every time I have removed these guards, there have been huge bird's nests above the downspouts, resulting in a clogged system that causes the gutters to overflow. This is a big issue because in order to remove the nest, the gutter guards have to be removed and reinstalled. Depending on the style of guard installed, this could be incredibly difficult or even impossible as some of these guards are seamless pieces. Overall, the gutter helmet style of guards are overpriced, difficult to maintain, and are poorly designed to provide the protection that they advertise.
Service: Gutter Guard Installation

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